- install paru (an aur helper):
sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel git git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/paru-bin.git cd paru-bin makepkg -si cd rm -rf paru-bin
- clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/ArchLainux/hyprland-dotfiles.git cd hyprland-dotfiles
- run the install script:
chmod u+x install.sh ./install.sh
you have to edit your monitor name in hyprland configuration files
check your monitor name by running:hyprctl monitors all
hyprland - for the best wayland window manager
catppuccin - for the best theme ever
nvchad - for the neovim base config
dreamsofcode-io - for the best custom nvchad setup from the best youtuber ever :)
newmanls - for rofi style
jluttine - for rofi power menu script
kangie - for sddm theme
archwiki members - for mako scripts from their wiki
doprz - for dipc :3