- So Tsz Chung 1155149485
- Chan Sik Lam 1155159276
- So Chin Ting 1155156676
- Tse Hui Tung 1155158864
- Yie Tin Hon 1155158824
Please ensure you have Node.js with npm or equivalent tools installed in your machine. Reference: https://docs.npmjs.com/downloading-and-installing-node-js-and-npm
npm install --global yarn
This will install yarn via npm globally. Reference: https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/#mac-stable
Important: The script will install yarn globally, if you don't want to install yarn globally, please remove the line
npm install -g yarn
source ./setup.sh
add .env file in ./backend (need your mongodb ac here, others can remain the same)
DB_CONNECTION=<your mongo DB path> GOV_DATA_API=https://api.data.gov.hk/v1/nearest-clp-electric-vehicle-charging-stations DEV_SERVER_PATH=http://localhost:3000 PORT=5500
add .env file in ./frontend (can use the same )
NEXT_PUBLIC_DEV_API_PATH=http://localhost:5500/ NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY=<your google map api key>
yarn run dev
run this command in ./csci2720
to start the frontend and backend concurrently
- node version >=v21.1.0
- yarn
- npm