Monorepo of website project for build with Deno + Alosaur + Riba.js + Strapi.
This project is licensed under the AGPL license, except for the assets (logo, font, etc), which are private and the use of which is prohibited in all respects.
This repository has submodules, so you need to clone this repository including this submodules:
git clone --recursive
You can also clone the submodules afterwards:
git clone
cd markus-morische-rechtsanwalt-website
git submodule update --init --recursive
If you want to pull updates from this repository you should also pull the submodules:
git pull --recurse-submodules
Tested with Deno v1.30.3, you can use DVM to switch between different Deno versions:
dvm install 1.30.3
dvm use 1.30.3
cd backend
DENO_ENV=./.env.local deno run --allow-run scripts.ts start
cd backend
DENO_ENV=./.env.local deno run --allow-run scripts.ts watch
Tested with Node.js v16, you can use NVM to switch between different Node.js versions:
nvm install 16
nvm use 16
cd strapi
npm run build:local
cd strapi
npm run start:local
Uses Node.js and Yarn to build:
npm install --global yarn
cd theme
yarn run build
deno run --allow-read --importmap=imports.json --allow-write --config tsconfig.json openapi.ts