Unity package. Uses the https://github.com/ArtemVetik/com.agava.merge2.git package and implements the game template in Unity UI.
This package has dependencies on com.agava.merge and com.yellowsquad.assetpath. Merge the snippet to Packages/manifest.json or add it manually from Edit/Project Settings/Package Manager
"scopedRegistries": [
"name": "package.openupm.com",
"url": "https://package.openupm.com",
"scopes": [
Make sure you have standalone Git installed first. Reboot after installation.
In Unity, open "Window" -> "Package Manager".
Click the "+" sign on top left corner -> "Add package from git URL..."
Paste this: https://github.com/ArtemVetik/com.agava.merge2uiview.git#3.0.2
See minimum required Unity version in the package.json
This project can also be installed through OpenUPM, here.