Android Testing Topics:
- Coroutines, including view model, scoped coroutines.
- Room.
- Databinding.
- Dependency Injection and Test Doubles.
- Testing code with coroutines.
- Testing Room.
- Espresso Idling Resource.
- End to End testing with Data Binding.
You'll learn about the following libraries and code concepts:
- JUnit4
- Hamcrest
- AndroidX Test Library
- AndroidX Architecture Components Core Test Library
- Espresso
- Mockito
- runBlocking and runBlockingTest
- TestCoroutineDispatcher
- pauseDispatcher and resumeDispatcher
- inMemoryDatabaseBuilder
- IdlingResource
You should be familiar with:
- The Kotlin programming language, including Kotlin coroutines and their interaction with Android Jetpack components.
- The following core Android Jetpack libraries: ViewModel, LiveData, Navigation Component, and Data Binding.
App overview and Instrument testing in Device:
Execute Instrument test in Android studio:
Final Instrument testing output: