Welcome to AspectOS, an operating system created on Scratch. We want to create a great functioning operating system and we want to make advancements. But we are taking steps to accomplish this.
We have a wonderful team working on AspectOS every day and we will be glad to help you with your problems. We have people around the world working on AspectOS and we are glad to have them!
We created a GitHub to create websites related to AspectOS. We trust GitHub and we will continue to use GitHub for a while
With over 20 members on our team, activity as high as the moon, and original creations, we are sure to satisfy you with your needs. Aren't satisfied? We appreciate constructive criticism and would love to hear your feedback!
We thought that GitHub would help us interact more due to the many features. And because of how easy it could be after a while, it's a great tool for creating websites!
We require you to follow some rules when joining AspectOS. If you are a rule breaker, then please do not apply. We usually like to work on Scratch but we also work here as well as an alternative. Just to to our thread and fill out a form and there you go!