3.0.0 (2023-10-11)
remove popup as it is to difficult to manage
add mini.start support (6490250 )
add transparency to notify (cd6dc12 )
astrodark: update to color palette (8861f59 )
base: add transparency option to cursorline (a2d4203 )
base: change pmenusel to use the menu_selection property (00c0fb6 )
base: change wildmenu background to use accent (1f3df14 )
base: disable any blend on pmenuthumb (e86aa42 )
base: disable blend on title background if title_invert (0e1833b )
base: make machparen stand out more, closes: #77 (7aee6a6 )
base: make substitute more bold and noticeable (8538403 )
base: move cursor to ui.text property (a55bfc5 )
base: rework logic for float highlight family (ceb3836 )
cmp: move match highlights to text_match property (0da2954 )
lazy: move to NormalFloat (dcb64ab )
mason: move to NormalFloat (0ccec22 )
movee Pmenu to float (4d32cd2 )
notify: rework logic and highlights (6c013fc )
spotlight: add support for spotlight (5ab2612 )
spotlight: update spotlight to work with transparency (d8da4ef )
telescope: initial restructure to support prompt background (3411a62 )
Bug Fixes
astrolight: added missing prompt palette (729ae9a )
remove popup as it is to difficult to manage (dd49c67 )
spotlight: add syntax text (10d45e7 )
wezterm: update wezterm astrodark palette (3f4a86f )
You can’t perform that action at this time.