Jenkins setup
Nexus setup
Snarqube setup
Security Group
Intergrate Nexus and Sonarqube
Write Pilpeline Scropt
Set netification
##Cantinuous integration Pipelin.Jenkins, Nexus & Sonarqube Setup
#Launch a Instance in Aws for Jenkins (Jenkinsserver)
1.Fist want to lAuch a instnce in Aws :-ubuntu 20 & ,Instance t2 small
2.Create a key pair
3.Create Security Groups (add Rules port 22 from My Ip and port 8080 from my ip and port 8080 allow from anywhere )
4.Under user data we want to put the script for jenkins ( )
5.Launch instance
#Launch A instance for Nexus Server (Nexusserver)
1.Fist want to lAuch a instnce in Aws :-Centos7 & ,Instance t2 Medium
2.Create a key pair
3.Create Security Groups (add Rules port 22 from My Ip and port 8081 from anywhere and port 8080 allow from anywhere )
4.Under user data we want to put the script for Nexus ( )
5.Launch instance
#Launch A instance for sonarqube(Sonarserver)
1.Fist want to lAuch a instnce in Aws :-Ubuntu 18 & ,Instance t2 Medium
2.Create a key pair
3.Create Security Groups (add Rules port 22 from My Ip and port 80 from anywhere and port 9000 allow from anywhere )
4.Under user data we want to put the script for Sonarqube( )
5.Launch instance
Wait 10 minutes the login in to each service then check the service status .