Multitier web Application Stack Setup on laptop/desktop (Manual provisioaning)
- Oracle VM Virtualbox
- Vagrant
- Vagrant plugins a. vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager b. vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
- Git bash or equivalent editor
- Clone source code.
- Cd into the repository.
- Switch to the local-setup branch.
- cd into vagrant/Manual_provisioning. Bring up vm’s $ vagrant up NOTE: Bringing up all the vm’s may take a long time based on various factors. If vm setup stops in the middle run “vagrant up” command again. INFO: All the vm’s hostname and /etc/hosts file entries will be automatically updated.
Nginx: Web Service
Tomcat Application Server
RabbitMQ Broker/Queuing Agent
Memcache DB Caching
ElasticSearch Indexing/Search service
MySQL SQL Database
Setup should be done in below mentioned order
- MySQL (Database SVC)
- Memcache (DB Caching SVC)
- RabbitMQ (Broker/Queue SVC)
- Tomcat (Application SVC)
- Nginx (Web SVC)