OPNsense Exporter release v0.0.5
Hello, folks. This release was delayed for a long time. I'm sorry about that. Personal life chases everybody. Finally, I am happy to announce that we now have a Grafana dashboard you can use with the exporter. Follow the instructions in the README file.
Release commits
- FIX: health check; flags; metrics list by @ihatemodels in #19
- FIX: fix startup checks and k8s health-check by @ihatemodels in #20
- DEPS: upgrade by @ihatemodels in #21
- FEATURE: Grafana Dashboard by @ihatemodels in #22
Full Changelog: v0.0.4...v0.0.5
Breaking Changes ❌
Container Images 📦
- ghcr.io/athennamind/opensense-exporter:latest
- ghcr.io/athennamind/opensense-exporter:0.0.5
Stay positive,
the AthennaMind Team