This script was written to help automate creation of "virtualenv" environment for Django project on Windows computer.
So, what, exactly, this script do:
To start - just run this script from your command prompt(cmd.exe). During the execution(will take about 2-3 min),
you'll be asked to input two parameters: name of the project(it is also a name for your virtualenv instance)
and Windows path to the directory, where you want to create new Django project with selected name.
Note: virtualenv does not support parameter name with spaces!
Also, before you start, you need to have python, pip, virtualenv, virtualenvwrapper-win already installed onto your system.
After installation is finished, script would wrote details
(name of the project and its folder path) into a .txt file
named "virtualenv_django_startup.txt" located at %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\Envs if it's possible.
To bind your Django project with "intelliJ IDEA community edition", you need to open a project within intelliJ IDEA and select "new..." project SDK in "project structure" menu(Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S). Then, chose a path to your python installation inside of the virtualenv directory (Usually looks like this: C:\Users\some_user_name\Envs\my_project_name\Scripts\python.exe).
Executed commands: