Azure IoT SDKs for Node.js : Edge release
Azure IoT Hub Service SDK for Node.js
Identity Registry: Create, Read, Update and Delete module identities
Methods: Invoke a method on a module
Twin: Update/Receive updates on module twins
Create device configurations and apply then to devices (also used for Edge devices provisioning)
Azure IoT Hub Device SDK for Node.js
Introducing the ModuleClient
object. Build Edge modules with Node.js!
The ModuleClient
connect to an Edge Hub or an IoT Hub
send telemetry
receive and update its module twin
receive method requests
invoke methods on modules running on the same device and on downstream devices
Make use of edge routing inputs and outputs when connected to an Edge hub
Current limitations:
IoT Hub connectivity is only supported in AMQP
Edge Hub connectivity is only supported in MQTT
Azure IoT Hub Provisioning Service SDK for Node.js
Supports the iotEdge
capability on devices.
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