- prisma/: Prisma configuration and database schema files.
- src/: Application source code.
- services/: Service modules for specific business logic.
- controllers/: Controllers handling the application logic.
- routes/: Express.js route definitions.
- middlewares/: Custom middleware functions.
- config/: Configuration files.
- utils/: Utility modules and helper functions.
- repository/: Modules for interacting with databases or external data sources.
- tests/: Test files.
- .env: Environment variables.
- package.json: Project configuration and dependencies.
- app.js: Main server file.
- clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/BRAIT-Braille-Translator/back-end-service-brait.git
- install npm package
npm install
- change example env to .env file
cp .env.example .env
- run docker compose
docker-compose up -d
- update .env DATABASE_URL depends on your database url
- run prisma migrate to migrate schema
npx prisma migrate dev --name init
- run npm run start to run the service
npm run start