Head to bagof.party to have a look!!
Bag of party repo for Python build This project is designed to build a simple UI for storing loot in a range of multi player board games or computer games.
We have used a relativly simple tech stack to initialy build the MVP which can then be built appon.
Python: Front and back Flask: For managing MVC html - css - jquery: For rendering window
setup and notes below. How to run on a local server once cloned
- Create a local enviorment.
- $ python3 -m venv nameofenviroment
- Start local enviorment so you can start the server on request.
- $ . nameofenviroment/bin/activate
- Fire up local host server.
- $ python nameofprogram.py (app/main.py)
- Go to browser and localhost:5000
Once you have set up the enviorment you neet to activate it to enable communications $ . venv/bin/activate
Then to open the browser interface run $ python app/main.py
After this you can open a broswer and go to http://localhost:5000/
open up docker on desktop
open Tabel plus and run SQL lines for current DB
- Sign into Heroku - $ heroku login
- Then run - $ git push heroku main
docker run -p 2345:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres
docker kill potgres
psql -h -U postgres -p 2345
create table parties ( id text not null, party_name text not null, user_email text, party_password text )
- error psycopg2.errors.UndefinedTable: relation "parties" does not exist = relations means table so this means not parties table exsists. venv/bin/activate