- Vrew is a video editing software that uses x86_64 architecture FFmpeg on Apple Silicon, resulting in slower performance.
- vroom is a script that updates Vrew's FFmpeg to a native Apple Silicon version, enhancing speed.
- For more details, read my Medium post (Korean).
Not officially supported by Vrew. Use at your own risk.
Homebrew is required.
Compatible only with Apple Silicon Macs.
vroom is not liable for any damage from using the patch.
- Run the following command in your terminal.
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BayernMuller/vroom/main/vroom.sh | bash
- Run the same command as installation.
- vroom will ask you to confirm the uninstallation.
ℹ INFO: Vroom patch is already installed! Do you want to uninstall it? (y/n)
Enter your choice (y/n): y
ℹ INFO: Uninstalling patch...
✔ SUCCESS: Patch uninstalled!
- comparison of the performance of the vrew and patched FFmpeg on Apple M2 chip.
- vroom makes the video editing process about 2 times faster.