Python Code For Generating Random Musical Interval, Plotting Them, and Hearing Them Project Title: Musical Interval Trainer Version: 1.0.0
Note: This is the first time I have attempted ot put together a package of anything. I intend to eventually package this an .exe, and provide an installable .msi file, but I am currently troubleshooting that. This hardly counts, as it is just a bit of python code, but I hope that this project will run easily on other machines. Going to test it on my laptop as soon as I get it uploaded.
Update (12 oct 2018): Tested the zip file on my laptop. The code was meant to find your the directory where you saved the 'Interval Trainer' Folder, but it acutally just finds you working directory, so you need to set the working directory to the 'Interval Trainer' folder.
- To run this you just need to extract the contents of the zip file "Interval" to a folder
- Then open '' in a python IDE, with QT as the backend. 2a) You may need to specify matplotlib.use('TkAgg') on your IDE but on mine I specify it internally in settings.
- Run the Cell as usual in your IDE
- Depending on your IDE, system, and version of python, you will need to install some packages -pygame -tkinter
- Update (12 oct 2018): You do need to specify the working directory to the "your__directory\Interval Trainer"
and then this will work on other windows machines.
Is it plotting correctly: If you set follow the instructions it will work on systems with the same python version installed. If you want to make sure that you have the correct backend, there is a sample of the output of the progam in the "Example Plot" folder. Note, however, that it should output an interactive TK window plot, with working buttons. Inline plotting backends will only gerneate a static image of the first note.
Errors: The current version of the code does not generate any error on my machine, please contact me with errors @
Accuracy of Notes: I checked all the outputs of the program in both ascending and decending intervals, but I cannot gaurantee the accuracy of the results. Double check them as you's good practice! Please contact me if you find mistakes.
Accuracy of Pitches: The pitches were generated using a MIDI pluck algorithm in audacity. I checked the sequence of notes in every key, but occasionally I notice that the pitch gets the wrong octave. Also, future version of this will include a bigger octave range. Also notify me of error here if you find them.
Built With: Anaconda/Spyder IDE w/ Python 3.6.5 :: Anaconda, Inc.
Author: Bart Cubrich
Created: 10 October 2018 Last Edit: 12 October 2018
Liscense: Open File, Open Source
Acknowledgments: Audacity, where I generated the pitches. Many authors on stack exchange, where I search for clues to how to do this Jessica Pachaeco, for inspiring me to learn to sing intervals University of Ediburg Music Department, for the music theory couse