Add a radio to your cars! OnsetFM let's you add streams and tracks ingame to play in cars as a radio. Each stream is it's own channel, tracks are collected in a separate channel.
- For streams: add the urls to the /tracks/streams.txt file, each on their own line.
- For tracks: add the audio file to the /tracks/ folder.
- Add the tracks to the package.json.
- You can change keybindings and options in configurations.lua.
- Turn the radio on and off (default "R").
- Change the channels (default "[" and "]").
- Change the volume (default "-" and "=").
- Skip tracks if enabled (default "Page Up" and "Page Down").
3D sounds - Currently not possible due to broken SetSound3DLocation().Implemented.Easy track installation (no filename changing) - Currently not possible due to broken OnSoundFinished.Implemented.- Broadcast to other clients.
No bugs have been reported at this time. The package has not been tested on Linux yet, if there are any problems please let me know.