Repo for notebooks and documents for jupyter to Milton job submission
Login to slurm_login node via rap
If this is your first time (test by typing
and seeing if the command is found or not) type:module load anaconda3
conda init
Clone this repo:
git clone
cd jupyter_milton
Create environment
conda env create -f napari_milton.yml
Currently the pip release of napari_lattice has some bugs, reinstall from git:
conda activate napari_milton
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall git+
Optional convenience, create a small conda env for the jupyter notebooks (allows extra functionality)
conda deactivate
conda create -n on_demand python=3.9
conda activate on_demand
conda install ipykernel
python -m ipykernel install --user --on_demand --display-name "Python (on_demand)
pip install read_roi
Go to
- Select Jupyter Notebook
- Under “Additional Modules” type Xvfb
- Change Runtime hours to as long as you think you’ll need (not to run the whole pipeline, just to get the job(s) submitted.
- Click Launch and wait until it’s spun up, then click Connect to Jupyter
- Launch “Submit to Milton.ipyb”
- Change to on_demand Kernel if you defined one – this is only necessary for some of the new/upcoming features like detecting the number of rois automagically
#Jupyter Notebook - useful comands
- ctrl+enter -> run selected cell
- shift+enter -> run selected cell and advance to next cell
- arrow keys -> navigate
- enter -> edit cell
Can be found in
- There's a czi and an roi file in there, as well as a psf folder
- The process we want is to crop and deconlolve with cuda_gpu for 20 iterations