NCKU course crawler.
Afer the NCKU course web had been upgrated, the original version of BlueHub couldn't work any more. I tried to use basic get/post methods to get the information of web, but it's difficult because the form-data was encrypted. So I use selenium--- a slower, but more powerful tool to get what I want. It probably takes 10 seconds to obtain the html of web.
- Search the course information.
- Schedule the searching list.
- Send email to notify the user when the course is not full.
- Use Tor routing to change IP every time.
- Show current IP.
- Logging picture
(cover picture refers from
- Menu
- Use line-bot or messenger-bot to take the place of email.
- Beautify GUI.
- When using the email-sending function, you need open the permission of third-party sites & apps requests.
- Using different IDE to excute this program may lead to a little different layout of GUI.(Demo picture is using spyder)
- This project is only for education purpose.
- Documents specified above follow the rules of separate authorization regulations.