By: Bob Aaldering and Wouter Tijdhof (students Saxion University of Applied Sciences, studies Applied Computer Science and Mechatronics)
This is a python program meant for a general idea for the Internation Project Week 2022 for Saxion University of Applied Sciences.
Pay attention! Due to the short development time of this application, it is just a general overview for the involved teachers within this project week. This means that this repository is no longer maintained after 03-02-2022.
You have to install all the required packages with the package manager of Python:
python3 -m pip -r requirements.txt
You have to invoke the script with Python:
That will show after running:
Dash is running on
* Serving Flask app 'main' (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: on
Pay attention! to show the application, please press the given link to open it in your browser.