DayZ has released a new way to spawn objects and buildings in update 1.15.
The first thing you'll need to do is Enable cfgGameplay.json
in your Nitrado settings.
- It should be a check box at the bottom of the General settings menu in the Nitrado dashboard.
To use spawn objects correctly, you'll need to use the DayZ PC version and a tool to get the Y height variable.
- I like to use Community Offline Mode
Once you've got your XYZ coordinates, you can also get the RPY (Roll, Pitch, Yaw) using the same editor, if you want to rotate your objects.
Here is a basic example on how to configure your json objects file.
"Objects": [
"name": "Land_Wall_Gate_FenR",
"pos": [
"ypr": [
"name": "Land_Wall_Gate_FenR",
"pos": [
"ypr": [
To avoid a reboot loop, keep these json files limited to 199 objects maximum. You can make multiple json files if necessary.
Once you've built your objects file, save it to something similar to objects_Map.json
and upload it to your /custom
Object json files not placed in the /custom
folder will be ignored.
Now you have your objects in the correct folder, lets add the file to your objectSpawnersArr
in cfgGameplay.json
Here's an example of what your objectSpawnersArr
should look like.
"objectSpawnersArr": ["custom/objects_Map.json","custom/objects_Map1.json","custom/objects_Map2.json"]
Now lets add this castle to Chernarus.
Open a new notepad and copy the following contents:
"Objects": [
"name": "Land_Castle_Gate",
"pos": [ 5710.3876953125, 221.85804748535156, 11882.9130859375 ],
"ypr": [ 45, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Castle_Wall1_20",
"pos": [ 5721.5791015625, 222, 11866.0546875 ],
"ypr": [ -135, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Castle_Bergfrit",
"pos": [ 5733.86083984375, 232.9653778076172, 11858.1982421875 ],
"ypr": [ 45, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Castle_Wall1_20",
"pos": [ 5747.521484375, 222, 11867.8935546875 ],
"ypr": [ 135, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Castle_Bastion",
"pos": [ 5767.47314453125, 222, 11876.9814453125 ],
"ypr": [ 135, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Castle_Wall1_Corner1",
"pos": [ 5768.61083984375, 221.89999389648438, 11889.9443359375 ],
"ypr": [ 135, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Castle_Wall1_20",
"pos": [ 5762.37158203125, 222, 11897.1337890625 ],
"ypr": [ 45, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Castle_Bastion",
"pos": [ 5753.404296875, 222, 11916.955078125 ],
"ypr": [ 45, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Castle_Wall1_Corner1",
"pos": [ 5740.57275390625, 221.90005493164062, 11917.9013671875 ],
"ypr": [ 45, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Castle_Bastion",
"pos": [ 5727.57275390625, 222, 11916.7216796875 ],
"ypr": [ -45, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Castle_Wall1_20",
"pos": [ 5718.72021484375, 222, 11897.021484375 ],
"ypr": [ -45, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Castle_Stairs",
"pos": [ 5734.23193359375, 223.1116943359375, 11868.3544921875 ],
"ypr": [ 135, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Castle_Bastion2",
"pos": [ 5765.560546875, 218.63156127929688, 11877.2939453125 ],
"ypr": [ 135, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Misc_Well_Pump_Yellow",
"pos": [ 5734.0830078125, 219.68341064453125, 11866.7041015625 ],
"ypr": [ -135, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_FuelStation_Feed_Enoch",
"pos": [ 5735.92041015625, 219.705322265625, 11866.724609375 ],
"ypr": [ 45, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Roadblock_WoodenCrate",
"pos": [ 5727.76123046875, 229.4540252685547, 11860.919921875 ],
"ypr": [ 45, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Roadblock_WoodenCrate",
"pos": [ 5728.33740234375, 229.4540252685547, 11860.333984375 ],
"ypr": [ 45, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Castle_Wall1_Corner1",
"pos": [ 5703.92529296875, 220.26876831054688, 11884.0546875 ],
"ypr": [ -179.99989318847656, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Wall_Gate_IndCnc4",
"pos": [ 5705.5537109375, 226.79042053222656, 11882.1240234375 ],
"ypr": [ 45, 0, 0 ]
"name": "Land_Wall_Gate_IndCnc4",
"pos": [ 5709.9287109375, 223.7920684814453, 11877.7685546875 ],
"ypr": [ 45, 0, 179.99989318847656 ]
"name": "Bonfire",
"pos": [ 5738.83056640625, 220.05563354492188, 11888.716796875 ],
"ypr": [ 45, 0, 0 ]
Save this file as objects_Castle.json
Upload the file to the /dayz.Offline.chernarusplus/custom
folder on Nitrado.
Now open up your cfgGameplay.json
file and navigate to the objectSpawnersArr
to include the new file.
"objectSpawnersArr": ["custom/objects_Castle.json"]
Save and upload your cfgGameplay.json
to Nitrado, and reboot your server for changes to take place.
Now, if you did everything correctly, you should have a well lit castle, with a water well and gas pump inside, spawned at this location: