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The "Stock Master" database collates fundamental and price data for US stocks.

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Stock Master

The "Stock Master" database collates fundamental and price data for US stocks.

Data is collected from:

This repo contains Python, R and SQL scripts for interacting with the PostgreSQL database housing this data.

Update procedures


Airflow is used as an orchestrator to retrieve and process data as laid out above. Airflow is Linux only and hence has been installed on Windows Subsystem for Linux ("WSL"). The PostgreSQL database, R and Python are installed on Windows. Thus Airflow needs to traverse WSL and Windows, it does this calling Windows batch files via the Airflow Bash Operator. Batch files in turn call the individual R and Python scripts operating on the data. Airflow artifacts (except for the Python DAG file) reside in the airflow folder.

Calling jobs with a two step process via batch files and in turn via bash commands is not the standard use case for Airflow. This is quiet a long "chain of command" and passing parameters can be tricky. However one benefit of this approach is ability to invoke scripts in specific environments. Each batch file will utilise one of the following:

  1. conda activate STOCK_MASTER && python
  2. psql -U postgres
  3. C:\Program Files\R\R-4.1.0\bin\Rscript.exe

depending on whether Python, PostgeSQL or R is being used.

All scripts called by Airflow are in the airflow folder.

Airflow startup

Via Ubuntu terminal:

  1. sudo service postgresql start
  2. airflow db init
  3. airflow scheduler
  4. airflow webserver (requires new Ubuntu window)

Database status

The status of the database is queried with the script here

Monthly procedures - selecting stocks to retrieve

The universe of stocks for which price data is to be retrieved is detemined with respect to stock size (assets and equity). The diagram below shows the objects used in this assessment:

    flowchart TD
        A[[fundamental_universe <sup>1</sup>]] --> C(tickers_to_update_fn <sup>3</sup>)
        B[[ticker_cik_sic_ind <sup>2</sup>]] --> C
        C --> D(

1 Reference table, reference.fundamental_universe listing stocks by Central Index Key ("CIK") and year, detailing total assets and total book equity per stock / year.
2 Reference table, reference.ticker_cik_sic_ind listing stocks by CIK, ticker, name, Standard Industrial Classification ("SIC") code and delist date
3 This function returns a list of tickers with the last update date for both price and earnings data.

The script is used to retrieve price data. The seeding of tables 1 and 2 above is detailed below.

Monthly procedures - data retrieval

The Airflow DAG executed to re-fresh the database is shown below.

    flowchart TD
        A( <sup>1</sup>) --> B(adj_price_insert_sc.sql <sup>2</sup>)
        B --> C(price_attributes.R <sup>4</sup>)
        D( <sup>3</sup>) --> C
        C --> E( <sup>5</sup>)
        E --> F( <sup>6</sup>)

1 Python script. Retrieve data from the IEX server and write to the iex.shareprices_daily table
2 PL/pgSQL script. Adjust prices for dividends and splits and insert into access_layer.shareprices_daily. See below.
3 Python script. Retrieve index data from Yahoo Finance and write to the iex.shareprices_daily table.
4 R script. Create features derived from stock prices and insert into access_layer.return_attributes.
5 Python script. Retrieve data from the SEC Edgar database and inset into edgar_fndmntl_all_tb. See below.
6 R script. Create features derived from fundamental (and price) data, and insert into access_layer.fundamental_attributes.

Adjusting for dividends & splits


Outline functionality of adj_price_insert_sc.sql >> insert_adj_price >> adj_price_union. Note script is selecting stocks that are in the iex.shareprices_daily and not in access_layer.shareprices_daily (ie., not yet updated) and loop over calling insert_adj_price

New calendar year

In addition to monthly data collection, the "universe" of stocks for which analysis is performed requires updating on an annual basis. The universe of stocks is determined with reference to fundamental data as of Q3 of the preceding year. The following steps are required prior to updating price data in a new calendar year:

  1. Update the table edgar.company_tickers with CIK and ticker data using the python function update_sec_company_tickers.
  2. Update the table alpha_vantage.active_delisted with IPO and delist date data using the python function update_active_delisted.
  3. Update the table reference.ticker_cik_sic_ind using the custom query and logic in the excel file cik_fndmntl_univ.xlsx.
  4. Update the reference.fundamental_universe table with data derived from the function edgar.edgar_fndmntl_fltr_fn and logic in the excel file cik_fndmntl_univ.xlsx.

Date reporting conventions

The date at which data is available for modeling often differs to the release date, and in the case of financial statement information, the fiscal period to which it relates. This necessitates careful tracking of a number of different dates. Date reporting conventions are as follows.

Report date

The ending date of the fiscal period to which a piece of financial information relates. Applies only to financial statement information. Labelled report_date.

Publish date

The date on which financial statement information is made available to the public. Labelled publish_date.

Capture date

The date data was downloaded. Labelled capture_date.

Date stamp

The date at which information is available for analysis. Labelled date_stamp.

An example of date reporting for financial statement information taken from the SEC website. IBM filed it's 30 June 2020 quarterly results on 28 July 2020 (note that it reported EPS on 20 July per the AlphaVantage earnings data). This information was made available by the SEC in its 2020 Q3 data set on 1 October 2020 and was downloaded on 5 October 2020. In this case the reporting dates will look like this.

Date reference Date
report_date 2020-06-30
publish_date 2020-07-28
capture_date 2020-10-05
date_stamp 2020-10-31

The months subsequent to October 2020, and preceding the capture date of the next quarters financial statements, will have identical reporting, publish and capture dates.

Attribute names

The table below shows attributes codes and descriptions.

Attribute code Attribute description
symbol the ticker symbol identifying the company
date_stamp date_stamp
close the closing price on the last day of the month
adjusted_close the adjusted closing price on the last day of the month
volume trading volume
rtn_log_1m 1 month logarithic return
amihud_1m "amihud" illiquidity measure - 1 month average
amihud_60d "amihud" illiquidity measure - 3 month average
amihud_vol_60d volatility of the daily amihud illiquidity measure
vol_ari_20d annualised 1 month volatility of 1 day arithmetic returns
vol_ari_60d annualised 3 month volatility of 1 day arithmetic returns
vol_ari_120d annualised 3 month volatility of 1 day arithmetic returns
skew_ari_120d skewness of 1 day arithmetic returns calculated over 6 months
kurt_ari_120d kurtosis of 1 day arithmetic returns calculated over 6 months
smax_20d average of the five highest daily returns over the trailing month divided by the trailing 20 day daily return volatility
cor_rtn_1d_mkt_120d the correlation of the daily returns between the stock and the S&P500 index over trailing 6 months
beta_rtn_1d_mkt_120d the slope of the regression line between the stocks daily returns and the S&P500 index daily returns over trailing 6 months
rtn_ari_1m 1 month arithmetic returns
rtn_ari_3m 3 month arithmetic returns
rtn_ari_6m 6 month arithmetic returns
rtn_ari_12m 12 month arithmetic returns
sector the industry sector to which the stock belongs
suv standardised unexpected volume
ipc intra-portfolio correlation

Each of these attributes are discretised into deciles. These deciles have _dcl appended. Some attributes have also been assigned to deciles by industry group. These are appended with _sctr_dcl. The first decile is the lowest value of the attribute in question. Ordering has not been aligned to the consensus view of the attribute / factor effect.


Description Status
Earnings data update script,, to reference last request time via the capture_date field in order to filter out prior requests not returning data. This will entail adding capture_date to the alpha_vantage.tickers_to_update view and updating logic at line 117. TO DO
Load edgar pre.txt file in order to accurately capture balance sheet and income statement line items using the stmt field TO DO
Append the pre 2012 "universe" to the alpha_vantage.monthly_fwd_rtn table. These are stocks that are not returned in the SEC edgar data, and are ranked by dollar volume for inclusion. TO DO
Get industry / sector data for stocks pre 2012 that are not returned in the SEC edgar data. TO DO
Size ranking uses a combination of total equity and total assets by financial and non-financial stocks. Winsorise minimum of total equity at 5% of total assets. This will negate the impact of negative equity stocks, when the negative equity is driven by buybacks. See ticker MCD for example. TO DO

Random ideas

  1. Price return modeling
    1. Survival analysis assessing risk of drawdown - link, and link
  2. Dimensionality reduction of returns at portfolio level
    1. PCA
    2. Autoencoders?
  3. Historical earnings dates for PEAD calculation - link
  4. Default risk as return predictor
    1. Merton for Dummies: A Flexible Way of Modelling Default Risk - link
    2. In Search of Distress Risk - link
  5. LPPLS, see also - link

Useful development links

  1. PostgreSQL Data Dictionary Query Toolbox
  2. Create data dictionary with COMMENT ON


The "Stock Master" database collates fundamental and price data for US stocks.







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