Project Title: TaskBri - Collaborative Task management System
TaskBri is a Collaborative Task management System. As the name suggests, user can create a tasklist and check/unCheck it based on the completion. The biggest feature of this sytem is that user can add other users to a tasklist so that they also can see the content.
TaskBri URL :
-User can sign up using email. -User can create multiple project which represents a big chunk of work. -User can add multiple tasks in a project to devide the work in smaller chunks. -Each task comes with a checkBox which represents if it's completed or not. -Above the taskList, user can see all the collaborators present in that project. -User can create/update/delete a project and tasklists inside it. -User can add other users and also can delete them from the project.
Technology used:
Frontend is developed in React Native expo. Node.js is used to create an API. Database created in MongoDB Atlas. Apollo GraphQL API is used to get the data from database.