PitchPerfect is a project required to graduate as an iOS Developer from the Udacity iOS Developer Nanodegree Program.
PitchPerfect is an iOS App that allows users to record a sound (or voice) and play it back with different effects.
- Must have a navigable map
- The state of the map should be persisted (region and zoom)
- Must allow users to use a touch and hold gesture to drop pins
- Must allow users to tap on the pin and navigate to another view controller that shows the region of the pin and start downloading images
- Images must be shown in a collection view
- All images that will be loaded must have a placeholder while they load
- Images must appear as they load in their correct cell
- User should be able to tap on an image and delete it
- The pins and images associated with the pins must be persisted on the phone
- All already downloaded images must be shown instead of redownloaded
- HTTP Requests (URLSession, URLRequest, URL...)
This project is an iOS app required to graduate as an iOS Developer from Udacity, therefore the idea behind it goes to Udacity. However, the code was programmed by me, and the idea behind the extra features and extra technology belongs to me.
No notes at this time.