OpenStack Swift Object Storage front end written in bash with minimal dependencies and simplicity in mind.
- curl
- file
- grep
- awk
- md5sum
- dd
- tr
Usage: [options] <action> [path] [path2...]
-u Username
-k Key
-a Auth URL
-o Overwrite existing file/object
stats - Get information about your Object Storage account.
save - Save authentication details specified with -u -k and -a to ~/.objstor
so they do not need to be specified in later calls of the program.
The ~/.objstor file is a simple bash file that is sourced.
ls - List the contents of the container specified. This will return the
containers if none specified. If an object is specified, it's details
are retrieved.
get - Download the object specified to the current directory. If the
filename already exists in the current directory, an error is
returned. Specifying -o will overwrite the existing file.
put - Upload file to object storage. The container is specified as the
first argument and the list of files following that. If an object
already exists, it will not be overwritten unless -o option is used.
del - Delete file(s) in object storage. The path must include the container
first. Multiple files may be specified for deletion.
Other Notes:
Authentication information specified with the -u -k and -a options takes precedence over the configured ~/.objstor credentials.
Save: save -u myusername -k mykey -a 'https://swift.server.url/auth'
List: ls ls mycontainer ls mycontainer/myobject
Get: get mycontainer/myobject
Put: put mycontainer mylocalfile myotherlocalfile
Delete: del mycontainer/myobject mycontainer/myotherobject
Return Codes:
0 - Success!
1 - Undefined error
2 - Missing dependency
3 - Incorrect arguments passed
4 - Missing credentials
5 - Failed authentication