This is a Java-based sound recording application with a simple user interface. The main component is the RecordingAppController
class, which manages the recording process, audio file handling, and the integration with a CSV file to store the utterance statuses.
- CSV Integration: Load a CSV file containing utterances and update the statuses of recorded files.
- Record Audio: Start and stop audio recording for a specific utterance.
- Play Audio: Play back previously recorded audio files.
- Delete Audio: Delete recorded audio files.
Clone the repository using the following:
git clone
git clone
Ideally, one could optimize the updating/loading process of the utterances.
- Left panel not implemented yet. It should contain the list of already recorded utterances and the user should be able to click and visualize the item.
- Add sound bar for visualizing the audio.
- Add file opener and enable to select column data for displaying the utterances. Right now it is done manually.