CIH Unity based prototype of an example of a configurator
Currently using version 2020.1.15f1
- Basic interface updates
- Add cancel button to input field (cancel creating room)
- Add warnings for height and aspect ratios
- Add adjacencies check
- Allow for creating non-compliant rooms
- Add reverse functionality - delete room (reinstating tiles)
- Serialise room output
- Add floor by floor functionality (subtask list to be expanded)
- Floor by floor display
- Copy arrangement between the floors
- Floor UI
- Assemble a warning log that you can pull up via the UI
- Carry out UI design exercise with the graphics team
- Introduce split screen and associated UI controls
- Interface updates part II
- Group selection
- Alter how the name is showing up
- Add block to buttons during pause and debug
- Add functionality associated to external voids/ facade sculpting
- Apply the above functionality
- Add reference to framework verification process (through API calls)
- Speckle and Sharepoint - full integration
- Automated layout proposal from GH -> potentially rebuild in Unity
- Additions to Unity configurator allowing for circulation connectivity escape route modelling (phase II)
- 'Tile'/ 'voxal' IN (in the reference implementation passed from GH to Unity)
- centre point (Vector3)
- width (float)
- depth (float)
- rotation (Vector3 - Euler)
- level (not obligatory - subject to centre point analysis if not given) - (float)
- ID (string/ ID)
- 'Room type' IN:
- name (string)
- min area (float)
- "banned adjacencies" (List<string/ID>)
- min height (float)
- max aspect ratio (float)
- PHASE II: circulation (bool)
- PHASE II: occupancy density (float)
- PHASE II: other inputs (doors/ openings definitions etc) (...)
- ID (string/ ID)
- 'Room' OUT:
- name (string)
- type (enum)
- vertices (List<Vector2>)
- edges - internal/ external (List<(int,int,bool)>)
- height (float)
- level (float)
- adjacencies (List<string/ID>)
- form factor (float)
- warning log (List<string> or dict)
- PHASE II: outputs (...)
- office
- classroom
- gym
- assembly hall
- prep kitchen
- canteen
- plant room
- common room
- external void
- corridor
- staircase
- lifts
- core