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Jessica Mack edited this page Sep 14, 2017 · 1 revision

Adding a New Project to

In order to add a new project to the CIRDLES website, a strict set of guidelines must be followed to ensure that your new page will display. This set of instructions is assuming that you have already downloaded the CIRDLES/ repository to your computer.

  1. Navigate to the _data folder and then navigate to the main-menu.yml file.
  2. Within the main-menu.yml file, the pages of the website are listed in groups. Go to the group titled Projects as shown below and add your project.
-- Projects
 - ET_Redux
 - Topsoil
 - Tripoli
 - Commons
 - Squid
 - Ambapo
 - McLean Regression
 - Sample
  1. go to projects/ and add project folder. Then, add an index.html file located at projects/your_project/index.html. Within the index.html file, please add:
layout: default
nav-category: projects
title: Your_project
permalink: /projects/your_project/

- - repository
- - welcome

{% assign items = site.your_project %}

{% include help.html %}

The structure of the code above allows for the link to the project's location to be created and for it to be recognized as a project. Also, the items under "category order," namely "repository" and "welcome" allow for the titles of the sections on your project page to be created like this.

Sample Screenshot

  1. Navigate to the _config.yml and add your_project under "collections."
- chroni
- commons
- et_redux
- topsoil
- tripoli
- squid
- ambapo
- mars
- McLeanRegression
- your_project
  1. Now, you get to create the actual project folder itself. Navigate to directory on your local machine and create your_project folder, like so: Then, within that directory create your file to start like so: The 'md' means that the file is in Markdown, but if you enter code in the file that is HTML and markdown, there should be no errors. The point of this particular file is to build a section of the project page that has a link to its repository on Your code for your file should look like this:
layout: project-page
help: your_project
title: <img src="/assets/icons/github-icon-white.png" alt="Ocotcat" height="30" width="30"> Your_project Repository
category: Repository
reference: repository

<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src="/assets/icons/your_project_icon.png" alt="link to your_project repository" height="80" width="80">

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