This organization shall be called the Christopher Newport University Student Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery. The Association is also referred to as ACM or CNUACM.
The chapter is organized and will operate exclusively for educational and scientific purposes and in furtherance thereof. Specific objectives are: (Mandatory; of Bylaw 6, Section 2.)
To promote an increased knowledge of the science, design, development, construction, language, and applications of modern computing machinery; To promote a greater interest in computing machinery and its applications; and To provide a means of communication between persons having interest in computing machinery.
The Association for Computing Machinery shall not haze any prospective or current member for the purpose of admission into or affiliation with the organization. Members of the Association for Computing Machinery are free to leave or disassociate without fear of retribution or harassment. The Association for Computing Machinery shall not discriminate based on race, creed, color, sex, age, national origin, disability, and sexual orientation. (The provisions of this article must conform to the provisions of ACM Bylaw 6, Section 6; and the ACM Constitution, Article 3.) A full-time student at Christopher Newport University who is a member in good standing of the ACM, may upon request and payment of dues become a voting member of this chapter.
A member in good standing of the ACM who is not a full-time student at Christopher Newport University, may upon request and payment of dues become a voting member of this chapter, provided that the number of such non-student voting members shall not exceed one-half of the entire voting membership of this chapter.
A full-time or part-time student at Christopher Newport University who is not a member in good standing of the ACM, may upon request and payment of dues become a non-voting affiliate member of this chapter. No such person may be a may be a non-voting affiliate member for more than one year. A member of the Christopher Newport University community who is not a member in good standing of the ACM may, upon request and payment of a fee that is at least equal to the voting member dues, receive the chapter meeting notices and attend non-business meetings of this chapter.
The officers of this chapter shall be chair, vice chair, secretary, and treasurer. (The last two might be combined.) Each officer must be a member in good standing of the ACM, a voting member of this chapter, and a full-time student at Christopher Newport University.
The officers shall be nominated at the second to last meeting of a given fall semester, and elected at the last meeting of that same fall semester. They shall take office immediately after the meeting and serve until their successor takes office at the end of the next election meeting, to be held the following fall semester.
Any member who has served in either of the offices of chair or vice chair in each of two consecutive years, may not hold either office in the immediately following year.
It is recommended, but not required that a member running for treasurer not be the treasurer of another organization. Officers may be impeached from their positions so long as there is four-fifths vote from the Executive Council (including the officer being impeached) or from a four-fifths vote from the Voting Members so long as there are a minimum of fifteen voting members.
Vacancies in any office other than chairman caused by resignation, removal, or disability shall be filled by majority vote of the Executive Council. If the office of chair is so vacated, the vice chair shall immediately assume that office, and the Executive Council shall then fill the vacant office of vice chair.
The chair shall preside at all meetings of this chapter of its Executive Council. The Chair shall represent this chapter at all meetings with the ACM regional representative. The chair shall also appoint all committees of this chapter and committee chairs, except the chair of the Program Committee, the chair of the Publicity Committee, and the chair of the Fundraising Committee. The chair shall also update and submit the final ACM report, due in May, with each semesters' events, budget, and officers, after review from the current sponsor.
The vice chair shall assume the duties of the chair in event of the chair's absence. The vice chair shall assume those duties of the chair that are so delegated by the chair. The vice chair shall also be chair of the Program Committee.
The secretary shall keep minutes of all chapter meetings and Executive Council meetings. The secretary shall also create, review, and send out flyers for events, as decided on by the chapter. The secretary shall also be chair of the Publicity Committee. The secretary shall also be in charge of updating the events page on the ACM Website.
The treasurer shall collect dues and maintain financial and membership records. The treasurer shall make the annual report of this chapter's finances required by the treasurer ACM (Bylaw 9, Section 4.) The treasurer shall also issue all reimbursements for members within the ACM chapter, except when the treasurer his/herself is being reimbursed. In these instances, the chair or vice chair must issue the reimbursement for the treasurer. The treasurer shall also be chair of the Fundraising Committee.
The advisor shall work closely with the organization in coordinating activities to insure that they are conducted in compliance with Christopher Newport University policies and the laws of the United States of America, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the city of Newport News. The chapter sponsor shall be nominated by the Executive Council immediately following the annual Election Meeting and the nomination submitted to the chair of the ACM Student Chapters Committee for appointment. The chapter sponsor shall serve until they choose to step down or the Voting Members decide to reelect the sponsor, and a successor is appointed. (Bylaw 6, Section 5.)
The chapter sponsor shall be generally responsible for the activities of this chapter. Help provide continuity from year to year as student leadership and personnel change; Promote good student-faculty relationships; Exercise financial supervision if necessary by Promoting prompt payment of bills and collection of dues, and Overseeing the settlement of all accounts in the event of dissolution of this chapter; and Represent the student chapter interests to the faculty and administration.
The chapter sponsor shall be a Member in good standing of the ACM. (Mandatory; Bylaw 6, Section 5. NOTE: The capital 'M' in the word Member above is not a typo; ACM uses the capital M to denote voting Membership, as opposed to associate or student membership.)
The Executive Council shall consist of the chapter officers and the chapter sponsor. The Executive Council shall meet and nominate the sponsor immediately following the annual election meeting.
Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws, the Executive Council shall act for this chapter in all matters except election of officers at the annual election meeting and the amendment of these bylaws. Minutes of all Executive Council meetings shall be available for inspection by any member of this chapter and shall be filed with the chapter records.
With the approval of the Chapters Board Chair, the Student Chapters Committee Chair appoints the sponsors for Student Chapters. (In accordance with ACM Bylaw 6, Section 5(a).)
Meetings of the Executive Council shall be called by the chair at his or her discretion or upon request of any member of the Executive Council.
The Standing Committees shall be:
The Program Committee, which shall plan and arrange meetings of the chapter in accordance with membership interest and the aims of this chapter as set forth in Article II; and shall prepare a calendar of regularly scheduled meetings each year.
The Publicity Committee, which shall maintain a mailing list, and publish and distribute all notices to the members of this chapter; and shall provide additional publicity of chapter activities as appropriate. The Fundraising Committee, which shall be in charge of the sale of disks, and any other fundraising events as appropriate. The Charity Committee, which shall be in charge of the creation, management, and organization of events such as LAN Parties for student relaxation, Replay for Life for various causes (such as Relay for Life, Extra Life, etc.), and other events involving activities that fit under special causes. The Hacking Committee, which shall be in charge of the creation, management, security, and organization of events that involve hacking of computers, such as Capture the Flag. This committee will also make sure that the Physics, Computer Engineering, and Computer Science department is made aware of these activities, and that they are done so in a controlled environment.
The Hackathon and Programming Competitions Committee, which shall be in charge of creating, managing, organization, and attending various Hackathons, Programming Competitions, and more, as done at Christopher Newport University, and other locations available to students. This also includes awareness of the upcoming events, organization of rides to and from such events, and practicing prior to such events. Each Standing Committee shall consist of at least one voting members of this chapter, who shall act as the committee head; it may have three or four additional members who are either voting or non-voting members of this chapter.
The Nominating Committee shall consist of all voting members of this chapter. This committee is only valid during the nomination day, as established prior (Article X, Section 2.)
In addition to Standing Committees, Temporary Committees may be established by the chapter chair.
The chair and members of both Standing and Temporary Committees are appointed by the chapter chair, except as otherwise provided by the bylaws. All committee appointments shall terminate at the end of the annual election meeting.
Meetings shall be held as planned by the Program Committee. This chapter may hold meetings only in places that are open to all members of the Association for Computing Machinery. (Bylaw 12, Section 1.)
The annual election meeting shall be held during the fall term of every year. Nominations are to be held on the second to last meeting of the fall semester of a given year.
Any voting member may nominate another voting member other than his or herself. This member may then accept their nomination, but may only have a full nomination with the support of a second voting member, separate from the nominee and original nominator.
After the nominations are closed, the voting members present shall vote at the last meeting of the fall semester for that year. A plurality of the votes cast for any office is necessary for election to that office.
Ties shall be re-voted on, and if a second tie persists, the Executive Council shall make the final decision. Notices shall be distributed to all members at least one week prior to any meeting.
There shall be at least twelve meetings each year. A quorum of this chapter for the conduct of business shall consist of ten voting members or a majority of the voting members of this chapter, whichever is smaller.
Disbursements from the treasury for chapter expenditures shall be made under authorization of the Executive Council and be included in the minutes of that meeting.
Annual dues shall be established by the Executive Council.
Notices on meetings to change bylaws must be sent prior to the meeting to all voting members.
Amendments to these bylaws shall be made in the following manner. The proposed amendment shall be read at a regularly announced chapter meeting.
Chapter and student Chapter bylaws and all amendments must be sent to the executive director of the ACM. After the executive director has provided advice, the proposals must be approved by the chair of the Chapters Board and the chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. The Council may, by a majority vote, cause any changes to be void. (In accordance with ACM Bylaw 6, Section 5(b).)
After approval has been received from the designated ACM authority, the proposed amendment shall be distributed to the membership in writing with notice of a subsequent meeting at which the amendment will be considered. At the designated meeting the amendment shall be read again, discussed, and voted upon. Two-thirds of the voting members present and voting shall be required to adopt the amendment.
The rules in "Robert's Rules of Order Revised" shall govern this chapter in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws.
Rulings on any point of procedure not included in these bylaws shall be made by the chair with approval of the chapter sponsor.
The organization will adhere to University Policies and all local, state, and federal laws.
In the event of revocation of the charter of dissolution of this chapter, all the assets of the chapter will be transferred to the Association for Computing Machinery. (Mandatory unless Christopher Newport University requires that such assets be transferred to it for a purpose within the contemplation of Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; Bylaw 6 Section 3.)