Allows same-site oEmbed of content sections plugins (gives a better visual editor experience)
Requires installed to do anything
usage is pretty much as simple as pasting in valid ajax content section title{your-content-section-name}
Inspired by past works
- CODESIGN2/WordPress-Content-Sections#1
- WordPress/gutenberg#150
A Visual shortcode editor would be another way to achieve, but so far an elegant solution for that has eluded CD2, as the API modified, is poorly documented and represents more potential change.
This is not for making your site oEmbed into other sites, it's for making the content section plugin oEmbed into the same site it's hosted on.
There may be better ways to do this, so submit an issue, PR, fork, blog about how to do it better etc. Also check branches as there are currently two implementations which need a bit of love, documentation.
Less bloat, and no need to think about the UI of making the feature optional.