Automation is hard, barcodes are simple. They are designed for workers in repetetive low-skill jobs to increase productivity.
CD2 is attempting to leverage more barcodes in our internal systems, and enable barcode usage in our software to save manual-input tasks, reduce training time, and increase consistency. This will also help us to assist some of our longer-term and growing accounts.
This repository exists to house barcode related resources for CD2.
- Computer supporting USB HID Keyboard
- RaspberryPi
- x86 family pc's, laptops and ee-tops (includes windows, mac & linux)
- monochromatic printer (we're using a basic 600dpi samsung laser printer)
- BRBS201 wireless barcode scanner
See to find out more about limitations of barcode format(s)
All original internal CD2 code is to be considered licenses under the latest iteration of AGPL (currently v3), unless otherwise specificed. Third party content should not be contained within this repository, but where it is necesarry for practicality or otherwise, licenses will be included and linked in a LICENSE document.