This server hosts, the main website and user dashboard for the Pathfinder webservice. It allows users to create accounts, register applications, modify route and authentication settings and interact with the transports and commodities in their cluster in real-time.
These instructions exist mostly as a reference for the development team.
The server can be run and debugged locally with
activator ~run
A standalone release can be built with
activator bower dist
This release can be run with
unzip -d /opt target/universal/pathfinder-webserver-<version>.zip
/opt/pathfinder-webserver-<version>/bin/pathfinder-webserver -Dhttp.port=disabled -Dhttps.port=443 -Dplay.server.https.keyStore.path=<path to jks> -Dplay.server.https.keyStore.password=<jks password>
A Docker image cant be built with
activator docker:publishLocal
The image can be run locally with
docker run -p 9000:9000 pathfinder-webserver:<version>
The image can be pushed to gcloud with
gcloud docker push<gcloud project id>/pathfinder-webserver:<version>
The running Docker container can be updated with
kubectl rolling-update pathfinder-webserver<gcloud project id>/pathfinder-webserver:<version>