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[CC3002] Metodologías de Diseño y Programación (Otoño 2023)


Homework 1

First I designed generic tests for Player and Cards defining common and edge cases for every variable and method I was planning on create to replicate the requested card game, for this purpose I used the testing framework MUnit in my testing files and later on importing the package Equals to import it in every class to override some methods useful for testing (canEqual, equals and hashCode).

The tests for Player include testing every Equals related methods I implemented and check the following: has a name, initially has 2 gems, a deck of 25 cards and an empty hand, the Player can lose gems, decrease its amount of cards, draw cards, a restriction of not be able to draw cards if the hand is full and the hand doesn't have more than 10 cards, and finally the Player can shuffle its deck.

The tests for Cards varies between which ones are in testing, for every class it tests every Equals related method, for NonUnitCard it checks if it has a name and its value of strength is equal to 0, for UnitCard additionally to the previously mentioned tests it also checks the following: it has a value of strength greater than 0 and if it can add 1, duplicate, set to 1 and reset its strength to its original value.

Now with the implementation of classes and methods itself I first created an abstract class AbstractCard to define the minimum requirements of a card which are the parameters name and strength, then I created its getter and setter methods in order for this to work in the classes that extends this abstract class.

Later I defined 2 interfaces, Card and StrengthCapable, the first one define the parameters previously mentioned while the second one defines 4 different methods that are unique to cards that can use its strength in game; addStrength it adds 1 to the actual strength of the card; dupStrength duplicates the strength of the card; lowStrength sets to 1 the strength of the card; resetStrength sets the strength of the card to its original value, useful when the card changed its strength during the game.

After that I defined 2 main classes, UnitCard and NonUnitCard, the first one is for cards that can use its strength in game, and because of that it extends the trait StrengthCapable, unlike the other trait that's just for weather cards, since they do not use their strength parameter in game.

The rest of classes are subclasses of UnitCard and NonUnitCard, for the first one I created 3 subclasses: MeleeCard, RangerCard and SiegeCard; and the second one only has WeatherCard as a subclass, this with the purpose of in the future making a difference between cards with different classifications when I implement the table of the game.

Homework 2

The UML diagram was created previously.

Before everything else I made the corrections according to the given feedback:

  • Fixed the gem counter, so it can't get to negative values.
  • Made an abstract class for the unit cards aside from the weather cards.
  • Organized the code with packages.
  • Fixed the implementation of the deck shuffle.
  • Deleted the documentation of the methods equals and hashCode

After this I started implementing the new things that were required for this submission, starting for the new tests involving the Board and its areas, added tests for Player involving playing cards of its hand and the Equals related tests.

For the Board I only created a test involving the weather cards (for this I created a class WeatherArea that extends AbstractArea) since the areas are managed by the players themselves, and to accomplish a possible implementation of the game I created the class PlayerBoard that represents the areas of each player which in turn are classes that extend the abstract class AbstractArea that extends the interface Area (for all of these classes I just tested the Equals related methods since they don't have any other method and are just for organization of the project).

As for the implementation of the classes starting with Board I first designed it so in its parameters receives the 2 players that are going to be playing the game, and also the weather area since its common for both players, then for PlayerBoard I create an instance of each area (melee, ranger and siege) for the Player, finally for the areas I created the trait Area so every area has a list of cards and can add cards, then AbstractArea extends this interface and defines the getter for the list of the area and the method addCard so MeleeArea, RangerArea, SiegeArea and WeatherArea extends this abstract class (WeatherArea actually overrides the method addCard since here there can only be one card at a time instead of keep adding more and more like the other areas).

Because of these changes I had to make some adjustments to the code like in the card classes I added the method addCard making use of double dispatch, so it is possible for any card to know where it has to be added, and also in the Player class adding the method playCard that calls the method addCard of the chosen card when the player wants to play it.

Lastly I declared the scope of some parameters and variables by setting a few of them private, I don't think I need to set protected parameters or variables considering how I made the code and aside from mutable lists every val is public since they can't mutate and there is no problem with the default getter, as for mutable lists that are in some parameters I created their getters, so it returns a copy of the list that is inmutable.

Homework 3

State Diagram

State Diagram


First I designed the state diagram, and with it, I made the implementation of the state classes and controller of the game making use of the state pattern.

Unfortunately after this I didn't made the effects of the cards (but somehow I still got the full score).

Lastly I used the observer pattern to imnplement when a player loses all of its gems, resulting in the end of the match.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


This project's goal is to create a (simplified) clone of the Gwentcard game developed by CD PROJEKT RED

The rest of the documentation is left for the users of this template to complete


Recreación del juego de cartas Gwent (hasta cierto punto).






