Themes wont work out of the box, the ThemeChanger
app is designed to be modular, though the themes in the theme folder are designed to work on my computer.
Making your on theme is pretty simple, just look at one of the examples and copy the configs you need; the only exception is text
type configs, for those the key
or fieldname
of the json is the keyword that needs to be searched for in the file, while the value
of the field is what to be substituted. THE WHOLE LINE WILL BE SUBSTITUTED so watch out for that, look in the themes folder for some examples.
- Everforest [Dark - Light]
- Gruvbox [Dark - Light]
- Monochrome [Dark - Light]
I dunno, its just pretty standard dots (0_0)
Check the .zshrc for aliases and .local/share/applications for scripts
cls : clears the terminal
updateall : updates the system
wifi : shows wifi networks (nmcli)
jump : jumps to a directory
mkzip : makes a zip file
gacp : git add, commit, push
flushWifiConnections : clears wifi connections passwords and paired connections
mountall : mounts all external drives
ocr: extract text from image or pdf (tesseract)
chtheme : changes theme