Dotfiles are how you customize your system and these is my current build of dotfiles using i3.
The wiki will guide you to replicate my dotfiles. Read the manual and follow the steps. If you need help do not hesitate to ask.
Program | Name |
๐ง OS | ArchLinux |
๐จ Color Scheme | Queenhub |
๐ Window Manager | bspwm |
โจ๏ธ Terminal Emulator | Allacrity |
๐ง Tool Bar | Polybar |
๐พ Application Launcher | Rofi |
๐ฃ Notification Daemon | Dunst |
๐ Display Manager | SDDM |
๐ SDDM theme | SDDM Chamber of Secrets theme |
๐ Lockscreen | Betterlockscreen |
๐ญ Compositor | Picom |
๐ Shell | Bash |
โ๏ธ Text Editor | Visual Studio Code, Vim |
๐ฎ Icons | Papirus Dark |
Introducing the Queenhub colorscheme.
Based on the Github colorscheme, it's a beautiful and elegant dark theme.
This colorscheme is used for all aspects in these dotfiles.
My TODOs or roadmap for my dotfiles.
- Change display manager to SDDM
- Change SDDM theme to SDDM Chamber of Secrets theme
- Customize Spotify notifications
- Spotify ricing with spicetify
- Refactor for cleaner code
- Change rofi colors to match the colorscheme
- Firefox custom style
- Switch from nitrogen to feh
- Switch from nano to Neovim
- Solve bash repo alias not working