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Library to interact with and create a standard oracle datum.


This library's objective is to provide an abstraction layer over the BuiltinData of a Standard Oracle Datum. It is implemented with the PlutusTx library as well as using the INLINABLE pragma to allow for its use in OnChain Plutus code. It implements getters and setters for each generic type in the CIP and for Standard and Extended Data. The cddl can be found on the spec.cddl file in the root of this repository.

Error reporting

This library is mostly focused for OnChain code, thus we test the compiled plutus code and use the traceError function to report errors, this means that on OffChain Code the error code will not be descriptive. We've decided against using the type Either to prevent the interface getting bloated. If the library is being correctly used there should not be any errors.

Example Usage

  • Building an OracleFeed with just a price
import OracleFeed

myFeed :: OracleFeed
myFeed = mkOracleFeed Nothing [pd] Nothing
    pd :: GenericData
    pd = mkPriceData $ mkPriceMap 5
  • Quering an OracleFeed for a price map
import OracleFeed

myFeed :: OracleFeed
myFeed = mkOracleFeed Nothing [pd] Nothing
    pd :: GenericData
    pd = mkPriceData
        $ setPrecision 6
        $ setBaseName "USD"
        $ setQuoteName "ADA"
        $ mkPriceMap 500000

queryPriceMap :: OracleFeed -> PriceMap
queryPriceMap = getPriceMap . head . getPriceDatas

myFeedsPriceMap :: PriceMap
myFeedsPriceMap = queryPriceMap myFeed



mkOracleFeed :: Maybe SharedData -> [GenericData] -> Maybe ExtendedData -> OracleFeed

Builds the oracle feed datum.

getPriceDatas :: OracleFeed -> [PriceData]

Filters the Feed for all Price Data structures

getSharedData :: OracleFeed -> Maybe SharedData

Returns the SharedData if it present.

getExtendedData :: OracleFeed -> Maybe ExtendedData

Returns the ExtendedData if it is present.


mkPriceData :: PriceMap -> GenericData

Takes a PriceMap and turns it into a GenericData to use in the Oracle Feed.

mkPriceMap :: Integer -> PriceMap

Creates an PriceMap with the given price.

setPrice :: Integer -> PriceMap -> PriceMap

Updates the price on a PriceMap.

getPrice :: PriceMap -> Integer

Returns the price on a PriceMap. This function will fail if the PriceMap does not have a Price (i.e. a shared price map)

setTimestamp :: POSIXTime -> PriceMap -> PriceMap

Updates the Timestamp on the provided PriceMap.

getTimestamp :: PriceMap -> Maybe POSIXTime

Returns the Timestamp if it is present on the provided PriceMap.

setExpiry :: POSIXTime -> PriceMap -> PriceMap

Updates the Expiry on the provided PriceMap.

getExpiry :: PriceMap -> Maybe POSIXTime

Returns the Expiry if it is present on the provided PriceMap.

setPrecision :: Integer -> PriceMap -> PriceMap

Updates the Precision on the provided PriceMap.

getPrecision :: PriceMap -> Maybe Integer

Returns the Precision if it is present on the provided PriceMap.

setBaseId :: Integer -> PriceMap -> PriceMap

Updates the Base currency ID on the provided PriceMap.

getBaseId :: PriceMap -> Maybe Integer

Returns the Base currency ID if it is present on the provided PriceMap.

setQuoteId :: Integer -> PriceMap -> PriceMap

Updates the Quote currency ID on the provided PriceMap.

getQuoteId :: PriceMap -> Maybe Integer

Returns the Quote currency ID if it is present on the provided PriceMap.

setBaseSymbol :: CurrencySymbol -> PriceMap -> PriceMap

Updates the Base currency symbol on the provided PriceMap.

getBaseSymbol :: PriceMap -> Maybe CurrencySymbol

Returns the Base currency symbol if it is present on the provided PriceMap.

setQuoteSymbol :: CurrencySymbol -> PriceMap -> PriceMap

Updates the Quote surrency symbol on the provided PriceMap.

getQuoteSymbol :: PriceMap -> Maybe CurrencySymbol

Returns the Quote currency symbol if it is present on the provided PriceMap.

setBaseName :: TokenName -> PriceMap -> PriceMap

Updates the Base currency name on the provided PriceMap.

getBaseName :: PriceMap -> Maybe TokenName

Returns the Base currency name if it is present on the provided PriceMap.

setQuoteName :: TokenName -> PriceMap -> PriceMap

Updates the Quote currency name on the provided PriceMap.

getQuoteName :: PriceMap -> Maybe TokenName

Returns the Quote currency name if it is present on the provided PriceMap.

setPriceCustomField :: ToData a => Integer -> a -> PriceMap -> PriceMap

Updates a Custom Field with the provided Integer on the provided PriceMap.

getPriceCustomField :: FromData a => PriceMap -> Integer -> Maybe a

Returns a Custom Field with the given index if it is present on the provided PriceMap.

getPriceMap :: PriceData -> PriceMap

Unwraps the PriceMap from the PriceData.


emptySharedData :: SharedData

Base Structure for the SharedData Constructor

emptySharedPriceMap :: PriceMap

Base Structure for the shared PriceMap. To set fields in this structure use the setters on the Price Data module.

setSharedPriceData :: PriceMap -> SharedData -> SharedData

Updates the PriceMap inside a SharedData

getSharedPriceData :: SharedData -> Maybe PriceMap

Returns the Shared PriceMap if it is present.


emptyExtendedData :: ExtendedData

Base Structure for the ExtendedData Constructor.

setOracleProvider :: Integer -> ExtendedData -> ExtendedData

Updates the Oracle Provider Id on the ExtendedData.

getOracleProvider :: ExtendedData -> Maybe Integer

Returns on the Oracle Provider Id if it is present.

setDataSourceCount :: Integer -> ExtendedData -> ExtendedData

Updates the Data Source Count in the ExtendedData.

getDataSourceCount :: ExtendedData -> Maybe Integer

Returns the Data Source Count in the ExtendedData.

setDataSignatoriesCount :: Integer -> ExtendedData -> ExtendedData

Updates the Data Signatories Count in the ExtendedData.

getDataSignatoriesCount :: ExtendedData -> Maybe Integer

Returns the Data Signatories Count if it is present.

setOracleProviderSignature :: BuiltinByteString -> ExtendedData -> ExtendedData

Updates the Oracle Provider Signature in the ExtendedData.

getOracleProviderSignature :: ExtendedData -> Maybe BuiltinByteString

Returns the Oracle Provider Signature if it is present.

setExtendedCustomField :: ToData a => Integer -> a -> ExtendedData -> ExtendedData

Sets a custom field in the ExtendedData. As the standard describes only indexes from 100 up are available for public use. This function will fail if a non standard index is passed

getExtendedCustomField :: FromData a => ExtendedData -> Integer -> Maybe a

Returns a field with the given index if it is present.


Library to interact with a standard oracle datum.







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