Hardlink duplicate files. Ultra fast!
- asynchronous I/O
- one file one stat() call
- full-speed hash least files
- customize filters and keys with javascript
$ npm i -g lndup
Usage: lndup [OPTION]... [PATH]...
Hardlink duplicate files.
-n, --dry-run don't link
-v, --verbose explain what is being done
-q, --quiet don't output extra information
-i, --stdin read more paths from stdin
-f, --file add a file filter
(stats: fs.Stats, path: string): boolean
-d, --dir add a directory filter
(stats: fs.Stats, path: string, files: string[]): boolean
-k, --key add a key to differentiate files
(stats: fs.Stats, path: string): any
-H, --hash select a digest algorithm, default: sha1
run 'openssl list -digest-algorithms' for available algorithms.
-h, --help display this help and exit
-V, --version output version information and exit
See <https://github.com/chinory/lndup>
- Not follow symbolic links.
All outputs are executable unix-shell code, using comment to carry extra information.
$ lndup -v .
#Stat: probe: readdir 204B 3
#Stat: probe: stat 144.02MiB 23
#Stat: probe: select 144.02MiB 19
#Time: probe: 7.351ms
#Stat: verify: internal 0B 0
#Stat: verify: external 144.00MiB 9
#Stat: verify: total 144.00MiB 9
#Time: verify: 183.209ms
#Stat: solve: current 112.00MiB 7
#Time: solve: 0.110ms
ln -f -- '16M/null_2' '16M/null_3'
ln -f -- '16M/null_2' '16M/null_1'
ln -f -- '16M/ran1_1' '16M/ran1_2'
ln -f -- 'root/ran4_1' 'root/ran4_2'
ln -f -- 'root/ran4_1' 'root/ran4_2' #Error: EACCES: permission denied, rename 'root/ran4_2' -> 'root/ran4_2.e8c70ebe0635ab41'
#Stat: execute: todo 64.00MiB 3 4
#Stat: execute: done 48.00MiB 2 3
#Stat: execute: fail 16.00MiB 1 1
#Time: execute: 8.331ms
File Filters: If you don't want to hardlink files smaller than 1024 bytes:
$ lndup /path -f 'stats=>stats.size>=1024'
Directory Filters: While you don't want to consider a directory with more than 100 files:
$ lndup /path -f 'stats=>stats.size>=1024' -d '(s,p,f)=>f.length<=100'
Extra keys: Obviously, you don't want to hardlink the same files with different user, group and mode:
$ lndup /path -k 's=>s.uid' -k 's=>s.gid' -k 's=>s.mode'
Require more: Finally, you have a super idea:
$ lndup /path -k 'require("/path/to/keyfunc.js")' -f 'require("/path/to/filter.js")'
Failed operation will be output to stderr like following:
ln -f -- 'root/ran4_1' 'root/ran4_2' #Error: EACCES: permission denied, rename 'root/ran4_2' -> 'root/ran4_2.e8c70ebe0635ab41'
Beware of mv
and rm
fails, they are remedies of failed link operation, you need to complete them manually. Fortunately, the remedies rarely fail, as they are all counter-operations of just-successful operations.
- Node.js >=9
// nested maps
devMap // devMap instanceof Map
sizeMap = devMap[stat.dev] // sizeMap instanceof Map
exkeyMap = sizeMap[stat.size] // exkeyMap instanceof Map
contentMap = exkeyMap[value of extra keys] // contentMap instanceof Map
inoMap = contentMap[hash.digest] // inoMap instanceof Map
paths = inoMap[stat.ino] // paths instanceof Array
probe: Traverse the input paths asynchronously while use the stat()'s result to group files.
verify: Find out least files to hash, and group files by the digest.
solve: Make solution that instruct to hardlink the file whose inode is majority to other files.
execute: Execute that solution or just dry-run.
MIT © Chinory