In work
Added the ability to update the system inside Luminary
Added a wallpaper changer function
Adding a viewing info about battery function... 95%.
New boot animation
Automatic installation of modules in their absence (If Pygame, os, win32api modules are present)
Automatic cache clearing on shutdown
Added screenshot function
Added sounds when charging
Added new config system
Added Idle Animation
Creating new bar... 30% - Creator: Thank you!
Added adaptation to the screen.
Switching from the PIL library to the OpenCV library.
Increased startup speed to 4 seconds.
Reduced size to 4 MB.
Added squares, when you click on which you can look at the still unused animations.
Added the MaterialYou module.
Added new animations.
Fixed animations when there is a lack of RAM or an unsuitable processor.
Added notification animation.
Added animation when connecting USB.
Added a new critical error screen.