- Designed a feature-rich dating website with comprehensive profile creation/management, movie-based swiping, and personalized matching capabilities.
- Engineered an innovative MVC-structured application using React for the front-end and Socket.io/Node.js as the API, delivering a seamless user experience with real-time updates.
- Integrated JSON Web Tokens (JWT) into the existing system, providing secure and efficient user authentication and authorization.
- Leveraged TmdbAPI and MySQL database to create a filtering system.
Live Demo
cd movie-client npm install npm run dev
- ReactJS
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- Socket.io
- TmdbAPI
- JSON Web Token
- Bcrypt password encryption/verification
- Multer file upload of profile images
- JWT authentication and authorization
- Filtered matching system based on preferences and movie interests
- Genre based movie recommendation filtering as well as favorited movie filtering
- Movie recommendation refreshing
- Bcrypt password encryption/verification
- Front end UI error handling
- Mobile first web design
This is the front-end repository
Error Handling
The back-end repository: movieConnect
Socket.io Server:
- Express server:
- Module-View-Controller project structure
- Manually contructed User model NO-ORM
- Store User profile images in static folder on server
- User Authenication done through secure HTTP only JWT
- Users: stores username, password, status, bio, name, gender, preference, image, and birthday
- Favorites: stores title id as movie favorite, the username id, and the type of favorite
- Chats: stores text, username id, author (name field in Users), roomId, and time chat sent
- Rooms: stores roomId, username 1 (sender), username 2 (recepient)