service for bind on amqp (rabbitmq) and publish messages.
Create and bind
const rabbit = new AmqpService('amqp://localhost:5672', 'internal', 'infrastructure');
await rabbit.start();
await rabbit.addBind('blockProcessor', 'BLOCK_PROCESSOR');
rabbit.on('BLOCK_PROCESSOR', data => {
await rabbit.delBind('blockProcessor');
await rabbit.close();
Create and publish
const rabbit = new AmqpService('amqp://localhost:5672', 'internal', 'infrastructure');
await rabbit.start();
await rabbit.publishMsg('blockProcessor', {msg: 'test msg'});
await rabbit.close();
Service for parsing parameters for InfrastructureService from package.json
const info = new InfrastructureInfo(require('./package.json'));
service for start infrastructure
This service checked all requirements of middleware through checkInterval by rabbitmq
If at least for one middleware name not found required major version
service emit EVENT=InfrastuctureService.REQUIREMENT_ERROR
with data = {requirement: object of Requirement, version: last returned version}
Also this service send own version when get request from another middleware by rabbitmq
const rabbit = new AmqpService('amqp://localhost:5672', 'internal', 'infrastructure');
const info = InfrastructureInfo(require('./package.json'));
const infrastructure = new InfrastructureService(info, rabbit, {checkInterval: 10000});
await infrastructure.start();
infrastructure.on(infrastructure.REQUIREMENT_ERROR, ({requirement, version}) => {
log.error(`Not found requirement with name ${} version=${requirement.version}.` +
` Last version of this middleware=${version}`);
await infrastructure.checkRequirements();
await infrastucture.close();
LaborX PTY