Unofficial Exaroton API for Dart
Original Docs:
First you need to install exaroton package to your Flutter project.
flutter pub add exaroton
Then you can import the library and declare your API to use Exaroton API's
import 'package:exaroton/exaroton.dart';
var exaroton = Exaroton('YOUR_API_KEY');
- All functions works only with await command.
Now you are ready to use Exaroton. Little Note: all server commands need ServerID in order to use. You can find your ServerID using findServerID() function.
var my_serverID = await exaroton.findServerID();
You should recieve a List() something like this.
Server Name - ServerID, Server Name 2 - ServerID2
You can find your server id with this Function.
Exaroton API for Dart support 15 Endpoints for now. Here is a quick peek.
var my_accountInfo = await exaroton.accountInfo(data);
var my_account = await exaroton.account();
var my_serverID = await exaroton.findServerID();
var my_servers = await exaroton.servers(ServerID);
var my_serverInfo = await exaroton.serversInfo(ServerID, data);
await exaroton.restartServer(ServerID);
await exaroton.stopServer(ServerID);
await exaroton.startServer(ServerID);
await exaroton.commandToServer(ServerID, command);
await exaroton.changeRAM(ServerID, RamAmount);
await exaroton.setMOTD(ServerID, MOTD);
var my_serverRam = await exaroton.getRAM(ServerID);
var my_serverLog = await exaroton.getLog(ServerID);
var my_serverLogUrl = await exaroton.shareLog(ServerID);
var my_serverMOTD = await exaroton.getMOTD(ServerID);
var my_accountInfo = await exaroton.accountInfo(data);
Takes one argument, then give you a String back.
You can use:
- 'credits' to get your credits.
- 'email' to get your email.
- 'name' to get your username.
- 'verified' to check if you are verified.
var my_account = await exaroton.account();
This function works just as like accountInfo. The only difference is, that you don't give any argument and the function gives you back the whole JSON.
var my_serverID = await exaroton.findServerID();
This function help you to find your Server ID.
Here is the output: Server Name - ServerID, Server Name 2 - ServerID2
var my_serverInfo = await exaroton.serversInfo(ServerID, data);
This function needs your Server ID to work. Work just as like the accountInfo but now it gives you back the server info.
You can use:
- 'name' to get your server name.
- 'address' to get your server address.
- 'motd' to get your server motd.
- 'status' to check your server status. Server Status
- 'host' to get your host ip.
- 'maxplayers' to get your maximum player number.
- 'playercount' to get your currently playing player number.
- 'playerlist' to get your currently playing player list.
- 'software' to get your servers software details.
- 'share' to find if your server has shared option.
var my_servers = await exaroton.servers(ServerID);
This function works just as like serverInfo. The only difference is, that you don't give any argument and the function gives you back the whole JSON. You need to provide a ServerID in order to work.
var my_serverRam = await exaroton.getRAM(ServerID);
You can use this function to get your RAM Amount. You need to provide a ServerID in order to work.
var my_serverMOTD = await exaroton.getMOTD(ServerID);
You can use this function to get your MOTD. You need to provide a ServerID in order to work.
var my_serverLog = await exaroton.getLog(ServerID);
You can use this function to get your Log. You need to provide a ServerID in order to work.
var my_serverLogUrl = await exaroton.shareLog(ServerID)
You can use this function to get your Log Url. You need to provide a ServerID in order to work.
await exaroton.startServer(ServerID);
You can use this function to start your server. You need to provide a ServerID in order to work.
await exaroton.stopServer(ServerID);
You can use this function to stop your server. You need to provide a ServerID in order to work.
await exaroton.restartServer(ServerID);
You can use this function to restart your server. You need to provide a ServerID in order to work.
await exaroton.commandToServer(ServerID, command);
You can use this function to send commands to your server. You need to provide a ServerID in order to work.
You can use any Minecraft commands with this functions, such as:
- gamemode 1 @a
- gamerule KeepInventory true
- time set day
await exaroton.changeRAM(ServerID, RamAmount);
You can use this function to change ram on your server. You need to provide a ServerID in order to work and you need to provide a ram amount in Strings. Maximum you can use is 12.
await exaroton.setMOTD(ServerID, MOTD);
You can use this function to change motd of your server. You need to provide a ServerID in order to work and you need to provide a String to determine your motd.
Feel free to fork and use my project, or help me to develope!
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