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Repository files navigation


This client is a wrapper around minio-go.


go get


import ""


// Client holds all callable methods.
type Client interface {
	// UploadFile uploads data under a given s3 path.
	UploadFile(ctx context.Context, upload Upload, options ...UploadOption) (*UploadInfo, error)

	// GetFile returns the file from given s3 path.
	GetFile(ctx context.Context, path string, options ...GetOption) (File, error)

	// GetObjectInfo returns an minio.ObjectInfo for the given s3 path.
	GetFileInfo(ctx context.Context, path string) (*FileInfo, error)

	// GetDirectory returns a list of files from given s3 folder.
	GetDirectory(ctx context.Context, path string, options ...GetOption) ([]File, error)

	// GetDirectoryInfos returns a list of file infos for all files from given s3 folder.
	GetDirectoryInfos(ctx context.Context, path string) ([]*FileInfo, error)

	// DownloadFile downloads the requested file to the file system under given localPath.
	DownloadFile(ctx context.Context, path, localPath string, options ...DownloadOption) error

	// DownloadDirectory downloads the requested folder to the file system.
	// The recursive option also downloads all sub folders.
	DownloadDirectory(ctx context.Context, path, localPath string, recursive bool, options ...DownloadOption) error

	// RemoveFile deletes the file under given s3 path.
	RemoveFile(ctx context.Context, path string, options ...RemoveOption) error

	// AddLifeCycleRule adds a lifecycle rule to the given folder.
	AddLifeCycleRule(ctx context.Context, ruleID, folderPath string, daysToExpiry int) error

	// CreateFileLink creates a link with expiration for a file under the given path.
	CreateFileLink(ctx context.Context, path string, expiration time.Duration) (*url.URL, error)

	// Close closes the s3 client.

	// IsOnline reports true if the client is online. If the health-check has not been enabled this will always return true.
	IsOnline() bool

Integrity Support


The Client features integrity support for CRC32C and MD5 checksums. When enabled:

  • the client will generate checksums accordingly when using the UploadFile method. The checksums will then be present in the UploadInfo.
  • using the GetFile method, the FileInfo will contain the checksums accordingly
  • using the GetFileInfo method, the FileInfo will contain the checksums accordingly if they were uploaded using this library version.

Integrity check

  • when using the GetFile method an integrity check can be performed when providing a comparison checksum to the according option.
  • when the checksums doesn't match an ErrChecksumMismatchwill be returned.
  • the integrity check can be performed even when the integrity support is disabled! When successful, the checksums will also be present in the FileInfo