One stop solution for students for college activities
Since the second wave of Covid-19 is resurfacing, we need to think twice before interacting with someone. The colleges have been shut down and the student interactions with their peers and seniors have been hampereed. This has also posted a problem effective study material and assignment managements.
This portal servers as a solution to the problems
THRIVE is a one stop solution for having eve efficient online education to quality student life. We provide solutions to classroom management, improving student interactions, project collaborations, college activities and many more. The portal allows both students and faculty to manage their activities.
The main aim of the portal is to provide an easy-to-use all-in-one solution for dealing all activities associated with any educational institution online without any limitations.
- NodeJs - Evented I/O for the backend
- Express - Fast node.js network app framework
- - Package used to create real-time chats.
- MongoDB - NoSQL Database
- React.js - Javascript llibrary to build user frameworks.
- GoogleOAuth - Open Authorization from Google
- MaterialUI - React components based on Material Design, responsive web application for all screen sizes.
Install the Node Package Manager latest version
$ npm install npm@latest-g
Fork this repo and clone it
$ git clone<Your User Name>/THRIVE.git
Open the folder THRIVE and install the dependencies.
Ask us for the environment variables and create a .env file.
$ cd ./THRIVE
$ npm install
$ npm start
Open the client folder in different terminal and install the dependencies
$ cd ./THRIVE/client
$ npm i
$ npm start
The backend server and client server run at ports 3000 and 3001 i.e. http://localhost:3000/ and http://localhost:3001/ respectively.
Emails to be used for testing
The portal uses Google OAuth for authorization and is restrcited to emails with domain of For testing puropses the following emails with different user scopes can be used.
- User Role
- :Student Admin Role
- : Teacher Role
- :College Admin Role
No passwords are required.
The portal majorly consists of two parts:
- Student Interaction
- Classroom Management
Getting the right people to discuss and collaborate at the right time is often tough, more so when the semester goes on virtually. We provide three forum to reduce this gap.
A directory of our students which supports search based on skills, positions of responsibilities, student activities and, of course, branch and year.
A platform where students can post there projects with relevant details and supporting tags and ask for collaborators by provding necessary communication details. Students are notified when a project's tag matches one in their profile.
A forum where students can ask questions to each other and their seniors. The forum also allows anonymous questions and answers to allow free expression of views.
The portal is to promote effective classroom interaction and assginment management.
College admins can create courses with teachers in it. Teachers thus can enroll students in their courses.
Students can have realtime chats in the classroom with peers and teacher. Teachers can post assignments with deadlines and review the submission. Students are provided with a calender where they can view all assignments having deadlines on a particular date.
Login Page
User Profile
Editing Profile
Discover Feature
Search by tags
Projects Panel:
All Projects
Post Project
View Project
Request to Join
Project Owner Options:
Post Question
View A Question and Answer it
Classroom Management
Assignment Timeline of Course
Classroom Chat
Deadline Calender for Students
Faculty Options
Enroll Students
Post Assignments
View Submissions
Admin Actions
College Admin
Add New Courses with a teacher
Student Admin
Blacklist Projects and Questions
Users are informed about various events like Collab Request, Assignments etc via notifications.