- Install docker if you havent already (https://docs.docker.com/install/)
- Install docker-compose (https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/)
- clone this repo
- Edit the mongodb username and password on the
on project root - Run
docker-compose up -d
(-d starts the stack on the background. Without it, it's just a console app)
To stop, either close the running console app (if you started without -d) or type docker-compose down
you can check the deployment info with a query
query {
serverInfo {
this returns the server server info, ex
"data": {
"serverInfo": {
"commitMessage": "added missing context",
"commit": "e95c77f265c370cbd47f97a11f6a17e2b9bf481d",
"buildNumber": "46"
Did you receive a null or an empty list? Should there be data?
My quess would be, that you are missing the bearer token. See more below
jwt token for testing, use
This resolves as:
"id": "2",
"createdAt": "2019-04-30T21:01:07+00:00",
"firstName": "Kalervo",
"lastName": "Jankko",
"email": "asia.kunnossa@jankko.energy"
if you want to create a new token, just use fiksu
as the secret (suprise suprise! - well at the least for now)
currently, passwore hash and JWT secret comes from the following environment variables
(There will be an mutation to create a new user from the graphql api)
for more info, check the backend, it displays the schema from all graphql queries.