This is the lab project for the 2023-10 databases class. Live demo here.
- General Info
- Technologies Used
- Features
- Usage
- Project Status
- Room for Improvement
- Acknowledgements
- Contact
- Provide general information about your project here.
- What problem does it (intend to) solve?
- What is the purpose of your project?
- Why did you undertake it?
- Python - version 3.11
- Streamlit - version 1.21.0
- pyodbc - version 4.0.39
List the ready features here:
- It kinda works!
- A side bar
- it uses an sql database
Execute with streamlit
stremlit run
Project is: complete
Room for improvement:
- Time managment by alan
- Pretty charts
Give credit here.
- This project was inspired by Jimeno
- Many thanks to Tabata & Katy
Created by CodersInTheHouse - feel free to contact us!