It is recommended to use Ubuntu18.04 to compile sonic_pad_os, and install the related Package dependency "sudo apt install git gcc gawk flex libc6:i386 libstdc++6:i386 lib32z1 libncurses5 libncurses5-dev python g++ libz-dev libssl-dev make p7zip-full"
- Download the code: git clone
- Download the dl package, save the downloaded dl package in the sonic_pad_os/dl directory. Download link:
- Enter the root directory of sonic_pad_os and execute the script ./scripts/
- Compile steps: 4.1 source build/ 4.2 lunch 6 4.3 make -j2 && pack 4.4 swupdate_pack_swu -ab
- U flash drive upgrade method: Copy the config.ini and t800-sonic_lcd-ab_1. files in the sonic_pad_os/out/r818-sonic_lcd/ directory to the root directory of the U flash drive. The firmware version number must be greater than the current version number of the device, otherwise the upgrade box will not pop up.
- Computer upgrade method: The image path generated after compilation is sonic_pad_os/out/r818-sonic_lcd/t800-sonic_lcd_uart0.img, please refer to the link for the burning tool and upgrade method: