SyNERGY: An energy measurement and prediction framework for convolutional neural networks (or ConvNets) on ARM mobile platforms
This framework can be used to provide fine-grained per-layer energy and performance measurements in a pre-trained Caffe/Caffe2 ConvNet model.
Please cite:
- Rodrigues C., Riley G., Lujan M. (2018) SyNERGY: An energy measurement and prediction framework for Convolutional Neural Networks on Jetson TX1. The 24th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications CSREA
- Jetson TX1: Ubuntu 16.04, Linux kernel: 4.4.38+
- Snapdragon 820: Android 7.0
- Caffe + OpenBLAS backend
- Caffe2 + Eigen backend
ARM Streamline Performance Analyser : (Version used: Linux 64-bit 5.28.1)
ARM energy probe:
Note: This is required only for Snapdragon 820 as the Jetson TX1 comes with its on-board power monitoring sensor chip.
This tutorial is split into four phases:
Prepare the power measurement equipement:
- Enable INA3221 power sensor chip on the Jetson TX1
- ARM energy probe for the Snapdragon 820
Install ARM streamline tool on host and gator daemon on the host
- Installing DS-5v5.28.1 for ARM streamline, Eclipse for DS-5
- Build the gator daemon (gatord). Note: This communicates with the ARM Streamline tool.
- gator daemon for the TX1 (linux version)
- gator daemon for the Snapdragon 820 (android version)
Integrate ARM Streamline with Caffe/Caffe2
- ARM Streamline annotation task
Take power measurements & calculate per-layer energy
- Script to read power values from sysfs (or ina3221x@40 entry in the file system )
This consists mainly of two steps (please refer:
I) Cross-compile & flash a modified linux kernel. In this step, we enable a loadable gator module and the INA3221 power sensor chip
1. Download Jetpack-${version} and run the installation script (I used JetPack 3.1 - L4T 28.1):
-chmod +x JetPack-${VERSION}.run
- Run JetPack-${VERSION}.run
2. Download the kernel sources:
-./ -k tegra-l4t-r28.1 -u tegra-l4t-r28.1
3. Download the toolchain and set the appropriate environment variables
-export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/linaro/gcc-linaro-5.5.0-2017.10-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-linux-gnu-
-export CROSS32CC=/opt/linaro/gcc-linaro-5.5.0-2017.10-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc
-export ARCH=arm64
4. Clean your kernel and configuration
-cd $DEVDIR/64_TX1/Linux_for_Tegra_tx1/sources/kernel_source/
-make mrproper
5. Build the gator.ko module
- Download the gator sources from
- cd /Downloads/Jetpack/64_TX1/Linux_for_tegra/sources/kernel_sources/driver/
- mkdir gator and cp -r /path/to/gator/driver-src/* gator
- We have to edit Makefile and Kconfig file in kernel_sources/drivers. Edit Makefile in the kernel drivers folder and add obj-$(CONFIG_GATOR) += gator/ to the end
- Edit Kconfig in the kernel drivers folder and add source "drivers/gator/Kconfig" before the last endmenu.
6. Configure your kernel
- sudo apt-get install libncurses-dev (This is required only once)
- make menuconfig & enable CONFIG_SENSORS_INA3221=y and CONFIG_GATOR=m (Refer: for further details on kernel configurations required)
7. Compile kernel, device tree and modules
- make zImage
- make dtbs
- make modules (This will create gator.ko file check kernel_sources/drivers/gator for this file)
8. Follow steps 5- 11 in to make the new sources suitable for Jetpack and flash the new modified kernel.
II) Modify the device tree to enable the ina3221x@40 entry (The newer Jetson TX2 has this enabled)
1. On the target Jetson TX1, note the dtb file being used in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf.
2. On your host pc:
- sudo apt-get install device-tree-compiler
- scp /boot/{correct}.dtb to your host PC
- Convert it into a dts source file (using dtc command) and edit 1-0040 entry to status = "okay"
- Convert it back to dtb (using dtc command) and transfer to /boot
(In progress)
I) Download the DS-5 (Linux 64 bit) on your host machine and run ./ file. The DS-5 Development will install Eclipse for DS-5v5.28.1 and ARM streamline application.
II) Activate the 30 day trial licence in Eclipse for DS-5v5.28.1
I) git clone gator daemon sources from
- cd daemon
- use the Makefile_aarch64-1 in setup_files/gatord_linux
- make -f Makefile_aarch64-1
(In progress)
(In progress)
(In progress)