Android Library to display a fragment dialog to choose a country. When the user chooses a country, you get the name of the selected country and its dial code.
Grab it from Jitpack. If you are
already familiar with Jitpack just add this line to your build.gradle
compile 'com.github.Criptext:CountryPicker:1.0'
First, implement CountryPickerListener
in your activity. The onSelectCountry
is called once the use chooses a country.
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), CountryPickerListener {
var fab : FloatingActionButton? = null
override fun onSelectCountry(code: String, dial_code: String, name: String)
val message = "Selected $name ($dial_code)"
Snackbar.make(fab!!, message, Snackbar.LENGTH_SHORT)
Then, create a new instance of CountryPicker
and show it via
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { //...
fab = findViewById( as FloatingActionButton
fab!!.setOnClickListener({ view ->
val countryPicker = CountryPicker.newInstance("Select your Country"), "Dialog")