A carbon copy of the Baby Doge contract
Investigating Baby Doge rug potential.
function claimTokens() public onlyOwner {
This function appears to be a method to pull all the balance (liquidity) out of the coin. I have to investigate further but this is how it appears.
Contract: 0xc748673057861a797275CD8A068AbB95A902e8de Creator Wallet: 0xf103d2AbA493749a402B7dE11cF31f5844062B74 BSCScan: https://bscscan.com/token/0xc748673057861a797275cd8a068abb95a902e8de Official Website: https://babydogecoin.com/ Official Twitter: @BabyDogeCoin
While this coin does appear to be legit despite the obvious code that has potential to yield a rug pull, it is worth keeping an eye on for suspicious activity if investing within this coin.