Item relates to a feature in Alpha testing
Request answered and answer sent back to requestor
Request has been assigned to an Individual(s)
Individual who will help Beta Test software package
Item relates to a feature in Beta testing
Indicates that the bug fix or new feature introduces a breaking change
Something isn't working as designed
Item relates to documentation
Item that was previously labelled 'Needs Documentation' has had this completed
This issue or pull request already exists
Estimated effort < 1 person day required to complete work.
Estimated effort between 1 to 5 person days required to complete work.
Estimated effort > 5 person days required to complete work.
Item relates to the core EX-CommandStation code
Item relates to EX-DCCInspector
Item relates to EX-Installer
Item relates to EX-RAIL automation
Item relates to EX-Turntable specifically
Item relates to EX-WebThrottle specifically
Request is in the process of being fixed (usually reserved for Bugs)
Task has been moved to Development Project
Request needs more info befoe it can be resolved.
Need more information from the requestor
Item requires supporting documentation
Item has not been unit and/or regression testing